
Black water and drinking water tank on board

By admin

Get ready to transform your boat into a real floating home! Today we bring you a video full of clever tricks to make life on board more comfortable than ever.
We’ll talk about how to keep the water in your tanks fresh and healthy, how to handle waste legally and ecologically with a black water holding tank, and all without losing your smile! In addition, we present several inventions that will revolutionize your water facilities: from connecting to an outside outlet to enjoying a hot shower on deck, without complications and in style! We do all this with good humor and in a relaxed atmosphere, because learning does not have to be boring. And if you’ve ever wondered how the toilet works on a boat, this is your video! Don’t miss it, because you’ll have a great time while discovering how to make your boat a more comfortable and fun place. See you on board!

In this episode we have covered several topics and DIYs:

To change the black water tanks we have used the following material and diagrams:
✅ The tank that we have chosen:
🔵 https://www.svb-marine.es/es/can-plastic-tanques-de-almacenamiento.html?stm=TheLowCostSailor-bombas-mangueras-inodoros
✅ We have added an inspection cover:
🔵 https://www.svb-marine.es/es/tapa-de-inspeccion-redonda.html?stm=TheLowCostSailor-bombas-mangueras-inodoros
And we have followed the following diagrams for its installation, first having as it is with a tank with three upper inlets and as we have solved it in the one with two sides:

For cleaning and filtering the drinking water tank we have used the following products:
✅ The tank cleaner:
🔵 https://www.svb-marine.es/es/yachticon-super-cleaner-for-water-tanks.html?stm=TheLowCostSailor-pumps-hoses-toilets
✅ The coarse filter element:
🔵 https://www.svb-marine.es/es/jabsco-coarse-dirt-filter-19-mm.html?stm=TheLowCostSailor-pumps-hoses-toilets
✅ The main filter:
🔵 https://www.svb-marine.es/es/atlas-filtro-de-agua-potable-cascasa-simple-sin-manometro-pequeno.html?stm=TheLowCostSailor-bombas-mangueras-inodoros

To install a tap on the bow that allows connection to the water network, we have followed the following diagram (it is highly recommended to add a pressure switch to the inlet https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_DFDw6Ax ):

Finally, to save us installing and drilling holes in the shower head, we have installed a thermostatic mixer like this one https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_Dl9zz2n, following the following diagram: