Category: Electric systems


Simple electrical installation for a camper van or small boat

We teach you step by step how to carry out a very simple and economical electrical installation, to be able to give all the comforts to your camper vehicle or small boat.The video is specially designed for vehicles that only have one battery and you are considering adding a service battery, or you are thinking of buying an inverter to be able to have appliances […]


How to install a wind turbine

Today we are going to see something really useful, we are going to see how easy it can be to install a wind turbine yourself. Whether to charge the batteries of our boat, caravan, cabin in the middle of the mountains, house or nuclear shelter.A wind turbine will allow us to generate energy with the force of the wind, a great complement to solar panels, […]


Electrical installation renovation

In this episode we are going to see the usual problems of a 12V electrical installation, how to organize it correctly and above all how to renew it properly when it has become a real disaster. This applied especially to the electrical installation of my boat, but also to that of any boat, motorhome or campaign van of someone moderately restless. And we will see […]


Power inverters, microwaves and alternating current

We tell you the easiest way to make an alternating current electrical installation in your boats, motorhomes or isolated residences. How to have electricity to feed it through batteries, and a current inverter, which will allow you to operate: tools, appliances or even a microwave anywhere with total independence. The complete installation will correspond to the following scheme: The safest option and what manufacturers recommend […]


Rev counter for our engine

I am surprised and concerned at how expensive some original parts for our boat engines can be.My Yanmar 2GM20F engine did not come with a rev counter, a tachometer, and when I started looking for the original part, especially the engine sensor, I almost fell on my ass: 200 euros for the engine sensor and at least 100 more for the clock !! A search […]


The best low cost battery monitors

Today we are going to get into the issue of batteries, one of the most expensive goods on our boats and the easiest to break down or run out, causing us the consequent annoyances. In the video we can see the basics of the monitors, the simplest and cheapest that only control the battery voltage, those that already allow us to know at what rate […]