Category: Electronics


Low cost chart plotter with Raspberry Pi and Open Plotter

Greetings sailors, Today we are going to see how to install the famous Raspberry Pi with Open Plotter on our boat. Basically we are going to put a brain to our boat. With the Raspberry Pi we will be able to do a multitude of things that could fill many posts, but today we are going to focus on doing two things with it: We […]


Elfin EW10 NMEA to wifi easily

Convert your NMEA 0183 to WiFi for less than €10! 🚀📡 In this video, we show you how to easily transform data from your AIS equipment and other NMEA 0183 devices into a WiFi signal using the affordable Elfin EW10. 🔧✨This small but powerful industrial converter, like the HF2211, will allow you to view navigation information in real time on your tablet or smartphone with […]


Wifi 12V battery monitor. DIY

Do you want to know how to control the batteries of your boat, van or motorhome from anywhere in an affordable and simple way? 🛠️ In this video, we show you how to build a WiFi battery monitor using the amazing Shelly UNI, for less than 20 euros! 💸A monitor for 12V and 24V batteries, with alerts to your mobile in case of problems and […]


IP security cameras: Installation, recording and legality

Do you want to install security cameras without complications or fines?Protecting your boat, home, business or even recording on the street can be easy and cheap… if you know how to do it correctly! 🚨💡In this video we teach you everything you need to know to install cameras legally and effectively, avoiding costly fines. From security cameras and webcams to dashcams and homemade recording systems. […]


DIY Remote control for Raymarine ™ Seatalk ™ autopilots

In this post we are going to see all the details of how to build a remote control for the autopilot of our boat. Both the more traditional version, with relays connected directly to the buttons on the display, and the good version that connects to the SeaTalk bus of our Raymarine pilot and works in the same way as the original Raymarine remote control. […]


Motorized outdoor WIFI camera. For surveillance and navigation.

Greetings sailors, today we are going to install an IP motorized camera, spending less than 85$. We are going to place it on the outside of our boat, but obviously, this tutorial is suitable to learn how to place it anywhere, such as your home for example. Purpose As for profits (if we put on a boat): Monitor the boat from home, when the boat […]