Category: Security


Homemade Wireless MOB (Man Over Board) Device

In this post we face a FALL INTO WATER (MOB) sailing SOLO. We tested and demystified some of the traditional techniques to prevent and SURVIVE a man overboard. And above all we built ourselves a very simple wireless invention, for 25 euros, that stops the boat’s engine in case we fall into the water. All of that with plenty of testing, crashes, and good humor. […]


The WiFi gas alarm that saved my boat

In this post, we are going to see, which for me is the best Gas alarm that you can have on your boat. Mainly, because, during confinement, except mine from ending up on fire. But I also discovered that it is not only capable of detecting a butane leak, but it can also detect the emanations of the batteries when they are overcharging and are […]


What to do when your boat’s engine fails.

As a result of being stranded 12 miles out to sea, on a fishing day, due to an engine breakdown, it occurred to me that we should still dedicate a post to: how a boat engine works, the most common problems, and fortune solutions for any of those engine problems, which can happen to us when we least expect it. From that day you have […]


The cheapest AIS emitter on the market, for your boat

Greetings sailors,Today we are going to test the cheapest AIS transponder that I could find and which of course is Chinese. In fact, total Chinese. Officially they call it a locator for fishing nets, specifically “SOCOTRAN Net Locator“, but we will see that it is actually a perfectly functional AIS transponder, to which we will be able to incorporate the identification information of our boat […]


Plugging a leak, the easiest and most effective method

Greetings sailors, we have already talked a lot about not sinking our ship. We have dedicated several posts to the subject and with this one, which is intended to be the final one, we intend to end this saga. Today we are going to see a super simple, cheap, and surprisingly effective system to plug a leak in our boat and prevent it from sinking. […]