
WiFi power failure detection alarm

By admin

In this post and in the associated video, we are going to see how we can take advantage of the benefits of the WiFi flood detector that we have seen in other episodes, to build an alarm that alerts us to the mobile when the power fails or the connection cable is disconnected to port of our ships.

A very simple solution that we tell you in the following video

A solution that has cost us a lot to find a commercial version of it, even in China.

And that seems to be limited to the device that my company manufactures for one of our partners and a nationally manufactured nautical alarm system:

✅ The current detector in sockets that my company manufactures, our partner’s website:
🔵 Ealloora Volt € 99: https://www.ealloora.com/en/volt/
✅ The dokensip boat monitoring system, which includes a current sensor:
🔵 https://dokensip.com/es/

Perfectly valid solutions, but in the case of our boat, we can supply with a very simple assembly simply using the following parts and spending less than 15 euros.

✅ The WiFi flood detector:
🔵 On AliExpress: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_A6HD6K
🔵 On Amazon more expensive: https://amzn.to/3qWKUxD
✅ The 5V relay, also the 12V ones:
🔵 On AliExpress: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_AoBgC6
🔵 On Amazon: https://amzn.to/338GN9N
✅ The 5V transformer:
🔵 On AliExpress: https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/_AeJMo6
🔵 On Amazon: https://amzn.to/3f0kNQR

And the best of all is that with the same technique and simply changing what we use to power the relay, we can turn almost anything we can think of into a wifi alarm:

🔵 Any warning light of the engine of our boat
🔵 The engine itself, to receive warnings when it starts and when it stops
🔵 Any sound or light alarm that we have
🔵 The doorbell of our house, and thus receive a notification when they call and we are not at home
🔵 Almost anything you can think of …